Proxy voting

We believe it’s our responsibility to communicate with corporate management about issues of financial and social concern through careful, values-driven voting of proxies.
Blank proxy voting ballot
How we do it

Urging companies toward good

Why we do it

Resolutions focus corporate attention on often-overlooked issues and ask the company to take certain actions to address a specific social, environmental or governance concern.

Voting for values

Praxis votes are guided by our values-driven proxy voting guidelines that support our six stewardship investing core values.

Voting matters

Votes on shareholder resolutions are not legally binding, but even modest positive results (10 - 20%) have a significant persuasive influence on companies’ boards of directors.

Our voting record

We believe voting transparently is important. So our proxy votes are posted approximately 10 days prior to a company’s annual meeting date.

Download our Proxy Voting Report for a summary of last year’s efforts.

Votes “Against Management” indicate issues of concern where Everence believes alternative actions are required for reason of social or financial responsibility.

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